Comment 7 for bug 145086

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nullack (nullack) wrote : Re: [Bug 145086] Re: [Gutsy] LiveCD Install Hung on Partitioner 53%

 Sorry Colin I should be more specific. The dynamic disk is NTFS, on sata,
and I am not using that to install Ubuntu or fiddle with the partitions or
doing anything beyond mounting it for reading ntfs. I have an older pata
drive which is a basic disk that I have previously installed Feisty on,
which I have changed partitions with and so forth. On Feisty it worked no
problem installing to the pata basic disc and creating 3 primari partitions
for / home and swap.

On Gutsy I attempted to do the same thing within ubuquity install on the
same basic pata drive with the same 3 partitions and it hangs on 53%.

I am holidays currently but as soon as I return to my home I will post the

PS: Really do admire what Canonical is doing. Thanks so much for all the