Comment 2 for bug 108804

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Robert Rittenhouse (rrittenhouse) wrote :

I have the problem in Ubuntu 7.04 installation on my desktop (with the desktop CD):
Intel D875PBZ Motherboard using an IDE WB 160GB Caviar drive.

It looks as if the live cd in general is not finding/mounting your hard drive. Ive even tried gparted and even mounting the drive but it cant find it. I wonder if this has something to do with the -15 kernel. I have feisty on this machine now but I upgraded a long time ago and just have been doing my daily updates for fesity and something I noticed is I had problems with the -13 kernel through -15. They fixed the -13 kernel but they released two others that do not work with my hardware. I get dropped to:
"/bin/sh: Can't access tty; Job control turned off"

Might this be related? If anybody knows please help us in need here ;)
