Comment 7 for bug 221795

Revision history for this message
Justin Dugger (jldugger) wrote :

Somehow I don't think this is the appropriate venue for a bug policy discussion, but here we are. I understand that bug triaging is difficult work and time consuming, but here we have an example where action has made it harder to fix bugs rather than easier. Before filing a bug on this, I went manually browsing through the totem bugs archive. Nothing looked like a hit, so I filed a bug. To LP's credit it found this bug, but I find it disturbing that the only bug on the subject is marked a duplicate, and therefore hidden from view, and even marked "invalid".

The more people we can bring together with similar problems, the faster it is for developers in to get information, test fixes and generally close bugs. In this case, marking it invalid means many people will not see it, and who knows how many minutes will be spent looking for an LP duplicate that doesn't exist. I think that marking bug duplicates brings bug reporters together and reduces the total time spent dealing with bug report duplicates -- the triager has a better idea of where the dup is than the bug reporter. As best I can tell, there is no duplicate of this bug in LP.

Since this is really a problem of time, perhaps a bug against LP should be opened asking for the "mark as duplicate" action on the left panel to re-run the dupefinder?