Comment 10 for bug 360827

Revision history for this message
hamish (hamish-b) wrote :


for any Lucid / 10.04 LTS users who find themselves stuck on this--

I had to get it working on a number of machines so put together all the above steps, and a few more into a fix-it script. It is assumed that upgrading to the maverick+ packages will also solve these problems without such manual intervention, but I prefer to fix the official Lucid version. YMMV

## Local fixes to get Lucid's Torque server running.
sudo su

mkdir /var/lib/torque/server_priv/arrays/
mkdir /var/lib/torque/sched_priv/accounting/

sed -i -e 's+/var/spool/torque/+/var/lib/torque/+' /etc/init.d/torque-server
sed -i -e 's+/var/spool/torque/+/var/lib/torque/+' /etc/init.d/torque-mom
sed -i -e 's+/var/spool/torque/+/var/lib/torque/+' /etc/init.d/torque-scheduler
sed -i -e 's+sched_priv/server.lock+sched_priv/sched.lock+' \


# set up for local use as per /usr/share/doc/torque-base/README.Debian
hostname --long > /var/lib/torque/server_priv/nodes
hostname --long > /var/lib/torque/server_name
hostname --long > /var/lib/torque/mom_priv/config

cat << EOF >> /etc/services

# Standard PBS services
pbs 15001/tcp # pbs server (pbs_server)
pbs 15001/udp # pbs server (pbs_server)
pbs_mom 15002/tcp # mom to/from server
pbs_mom 15002/udp # mom to/from server
pbs_resmom 15003/tcp # mom resource management requests
pbs_resmom 15003/udp # mom resource management requests
pbs_sched 15004/tcp # scheduler
pbs_sched 15004/udp # scheduler

/etc/init.d/torque-mom restart
/etc/init.d/torque-server restart
/etc/init.d/torque-scheduler restart

qmgr -c "s s scheduling=true"
qmgr -c "c q batch queue_type=execution"
qmgr -c "s q batch started=true"
qmgr -c "s q batch enabled=true"
qmgr -c "s q batch resources_default.nodes=1"
qmgr -c "s q batch resources_default.walltime=3600"
qmgr -c "s s default_queue=batch"

/etc/init.d/torque-mom restart
/etc/init.d/torque-server restart
/etc/init.d/torque-scheduler restart

qmgr -c "s n `/bin/hostname --long` state=free" -e

## ubu bug #441063,
cd /tmp
wget ""
wget ""
patch -p0 < xpbs-tclIndex
patch -p0 < xpbsmon-tclIndex


# test: in Prefs.. menu change torqueserver to your $HOSTNAME, auto-update to 1 minute
xpbs &
xpbsmon &
# submit a job
echo "sleep 30" | qsub
