Comment 7 for bug 159148

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Arthur MILCHIOR (arthur-milchior) wrote :

I tried to test.
With the live cd, there wasn't any nvidia-driver, so nvidi-settings didn't works, so I wasn't able to test.
I wanted to install it, since there was a little box the top menu. I tried the recommanded driver, he asked for a password, I leaved it empty and click on the button. It then told me the adress he was searching is 404 not found.
Same problem with the other driver.

So I don't know what I could do to test.

Other problem, when I use two screens, if I use "full-screen" (f11) on firefox, when I try to open a tab, or when there is a little text on a yellow box who appear, the firefox window disapear for something like half-a second. Wich is pretty disturbing.