Comment 3 for bug 1425994

Revision history for this message
LeeV (leev) wrote :

I hate to resurrect this thread but exactly the same error is appearing in a fresh install of Xenial 16.04.1 with a fresh install of SquirrelMail.
The login page says it 1.4.23SVN, but the i18n/php and strings.php (the ones that seems to cause the problem don't look the same as the current SM SVN.
I tried copying those two files over from the current official version, but it didn't help.
I then copied most of the other folder from the official version over the existing fresh install - class, functions, help, images, include,locale, plugins, po, and themes.
The existing setup/config was left and that fixed the error, so I guess Xenial's version is behind the curve somewhere.