Comment 0 for bug 1501566

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Tiago Stürmer Daitx (tdaitx) wrote :

squid3 fails with:

dh_install -psquid3 --sourcedir=/«PKGBUILDDIR»/debian/tmp
cp: cannot stat '/«PKGBUILDDIR»/debian/tmp/usr/share/man/man8/basic_db_auth.8': No such file or directory
dh_install: cp --reflink=auto -a /«PKGBUILDDIR»/debian/tmp/usr/share/man/man8/basic_db_auth.8 debian/squid3//usr/share/man/man8/ returned exit code 1
make: *** [binary-install/squid3] Error 2
/usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/ recipe for target 'binary-install/squid3' failed

caused by helpers/auth_basic/DB/config.test failure during configure phase, which filters out the DB basic auth.

The error in config.test is caused by a missing --name argument to pod2man:

IO::File=IO(0x24d5e30) around line 1: No name given for document
POD document had syntax errors at /usr/bin/pod2man line 71.

Since Perl 5.20.2-4 pod2man behavior changed for pipes and now the --name parameter must be included (or --errors set to 'pod', 'stderr', or 'none'). As per Debian [1] and pod2man change log page [2]:

"[Pod::Man] Attempt to detect if the input came from a pipe and therefore has a completely unhelpful (and nonreproducible) source file name, and diagnose this as an error. Document that the name option (--name to pod2man) is required when processing POD source from standard input. (Debian Bug#777405)"
