Comment 32 for bug 199030

Revision history for this message
Steve Langasek (vorlon) wrote :

SCIM is already fixed to only appear when complex character input is enabled.

The problem is that a previous version of the scim package was broken in a way that the wrong enabling of SCIM became sticky for those users who had installed that broken version, even after upgrading to the fixed version.

The following very long shell one-liner should reset all of the input method configuration options that were broken by the previous scim package, giving you a pristine state:

for conf in ja_JP ko_KR zh_CN zh_HK zh_SG zh_TW all_ALL; do if LC_ALL=C update-alternatives --display xinput-${conf} | grep -q 'status is manual' && LC_ALL=C update-alternatives --display xinput-${conf} | grep -q 'currently points to .*scim-bridge'; then update-alternatives --auto xinput-${conf}; fi; done

This may be included in an upcoming update of the scim package.