Comment 6 for bug 549287

Revision history for this message
Charles Southerland (proidiot) wrote :

Before I do anything else, I want to let you know what I've done.

I later tried plugging this iPod Nano 5g back into my 9.10 box, thinking that I would check to see if I could get the latest gtkpod compiled from source to work with it (in case the problem was upstream). However, when I plugged this iPod back into the 9.10 box after having "initialized" it on the 10.04 box, it no longer appeared.

Then, it what must have been a total lapse of sanity, I had a friend of mine plug it into his Windows box with iTunes, as I had read somewhere online that doing so "fixes" the filesystem layout in the iPod Nano 5g, at which point it can be used with the upstream libgpod. After plugging the iPod back into the 9.10 box, it still isn't recognized (I didn't bother to finish installing the upstream libgpod). However, now when I plug this iPod into my 10.04 box, the error does not occur. When dragging and dropping music files into the iPod before did nothing, I assumed that this was not valid behavior. However, this also works now.

This leads me to believe that this problem may have been an issue with the "initialization" process for the iPod Nano 5g.

I apologize for dropping the ball on this... is there anything I can do to salvage the situation? Resetting didn't seem to have any effect...