Comment 32 for bug 354620

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JK (m0d) wrote :

> With the beta livecd, the mic worked fine without tweaks.

Wow, finally somebody who can reproduce my problem! I guess we will form a bigger group after the final has been released ;)

I'd love to know what makes the difference between the live and installed system. Obviously a working configuration is destroyed during installation but I have no clue how or why that happens... I've tried to figure that out with some help from Colin from the PA mailing list but there simply was no difference in PA and ALSA setup (except for "flat volumes" being disabled in the live session). I've also filed a report tot he ALSA dev and user list but got no response. Unfortunately, I cannot do more tests because it wasn't my machine and I had to give it back to its owner. But if you'd like to do more research, here are some commands that may help:

For debugging, use the output of "amixer -c0", "pacmd list" and the "als-info" script that you can find here:

If it's of any help for you, here is my conversation with Colin on the PA list:

Good luck!