Comment 15 for bug 531331

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UnstableGhost (unstableghost) wrote :

> Please file a separate bug report, detailing how plymouth "doesn't handle"
> nvidia drivers for you. For the vast majority of users, it's working as
> intended.

As far as I know KMS is not available for NVIDIA\ATI proprietary drivers, and plymouth without KMS is 16 color ugliness (ignoring that fact that I see blank screen for like 10 seconds, then ugly splash for 3 and then blank screen again). That is what I call "does not handle", and if I understand right, that is what you call "working as intended". How many can have 16/24 bit splash, without blank screens, on a proprietary graphics drivers?

> Because plymouth isn't a splash screen, it's a boot I/O multiplexer.

Why not to split actual I/O multiplexer and graphical splash into two separate packages? So that the ones that dont need (on server) or don't want splash (KMSless users) can completely remove it.

Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate all the work that is being put into plymouth and KMS. I just don't want plymouth (splash part of it at least) on my system before all the problems with it are solved. Do a 'plymouth' search on ubuntu forums and you will see how many are struggling. If I can't get 24 bit, smooth splash on 10.04 - fine, I would like to get console with messages from kernel - but I can't get that, even when I remove "quite splash", it is still displaying blank screen, and sometimes I can see damaged console text during shutdown.