Comment 23 for bug 9093

Revision history for this message
Simos Xenitellis  (simosx) wrote :

I just updated my Ubuntu Hoary 5.04 RC system and was updated to
I checked /usr/lib/openoffice/share/registry/data/org/openoffice/VCL.xcu
and indeed there is section for the Greek locale (el-GR).

However, the references to the FreeSans, FreeSerif and FreeMono are missing. It
appears that the new
greek section is simply a copy of the default "en" (English), therefore this
issue is not resolved.

My patch changes each line of
<value>Albany;Arial;Luxi Serif;Helvetica;Lucida;Geneva;Helmet;Andale Sans
UI;Arial Unicode MS;Lucida Sans Unicode;Tahoma;SansSerif</value>
<value>Albany;Arial;Luxi Serif;Helvetica;Lucida;Geneva;Helmet;Andale Sans
UI;Arial Unicode MS;Lucida Sans Unicode;Tahoma;SansSerif;FreeSans</value>

and I make sure that there is correspondence between Serif, SansSerif or Mono.
For example, above, FreeSans is required, and so on.

Therefore, I attach a new patch based on 1.1.3-8ubuntu2 that fixes exactly this
It applies cleanly, it affect the Greek section only, and has been tested