Comment 24 for bug 1773113

Revision history for this message
Mathew Garland (kromosome) wrote :


After doing the following:

$ sudo apt purge nvidia-*
$ sudo apt install nvidia-390 nvidia-driver-390

I have been able to consistently work around this bug by doing the following on each boot:

1) On boot commence press ESC once
2) Enter the Advanced Options for Ubuntu
3) Enter password for encrypted disk as appropriate
4) In Recovery Menu, select, "Network" and then, "Yes" in the modal confirmation dialog which is asking you to continue.
5) When the init process reaches: [OK] Reached Target Swap the initialisation process hangs. At this point, press CTRL + C once.
6) Wait for the boot process to complete and then select your desired desktop/display manager from the graphical display as appropriate, mine is MATE.
7) Provide your password as appropriate and login

Some errors may be encountered upon display manager starting, some errors of mine referenced XOrg, but nothing which prevents me using my system.

Good luck!
