Comment 2 for bug 588049

Revision history for this message
Damiƶn la Bagh (kat-amsterdam) wrote :

Workaround: install the 3.4 version from

apt-add repository ppa:sylvain-garcia

then modify /etc/init.d/ntop
Line 96 add the flag -b *(this is the same as --disable-decoders)

(I started with line 95 to display the full modified command)
 start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --name $NAME --exec $DAEMON -- \
  -d -b -L -u $USER -P $HOMEDIR \

then restart ntop

sudo service ntop restart

it would be nice if the package maintainer would add the -b flag to the package. Or expain to me how to do it and I'll do it myself.