Comment 6 for bug 1349533

Revision history for this message
Johan Van Caelenberg (doubleplusgoodah) wrote :

"fdisk -l /dev/sdb" didn't work.

"I ran chkdsk /f in Windows and rebooted twice: still no result."
The disk labeled DATA_4 has only one partition and Gparted says it is 'unused'. So I ran chkdsk /f on that drive in Windows, got no errors, and rebooted twice. In PartedMagic the same Gparted description ('unused') but the partition is mounted nonetheless and I can read from it and write to it.

"It is probably the "fast shutdown" feature of windows 8."
Will forget about that.

"sudo ntfsinfo -fm /dev/sdb4" fails.

"sudo dd if=/dev/sdb4 of=bootsector count=1"
Results in this:
dd: error reading ‘/dev/sdb4’: Input/output error
0+0 records read
0+0 records written
0 bytes (0 B) copied, 0,00107704 s, 0,0 kB/s

The file 'bootsector' is empty (0 B)

"sudo parted /dev/sdb"
Results in:
GNU Parted 2.3
Apparaat /dev/sdb wordt gebruikt. (Device /dev/sdb is in use.)
Used the command 'toon' ('show') to view the partition tabel, but got the following error:
/dev/sdb: onbekend schijflabel (unknown disk label)

That's about it; it seems I'm stuck with an 'unused' partion that can (PartedMagic) or cannot (Ubuntu) be mounted.

I appreciate your help very much, thank you.
Nevertheless I think I'm going to copy my hard drive's files to another disk in Windows or in PartedMagic, repartition my drive and format it ext4.
Doing that it will mount in Ubuntu, no doubt. Unfortunately it will be empty then.