Comment 4 for bug 1349533

Revision history for this message
Jean-Pierre (jean-pierre-andre) wrote :

"status 13: Error reading bootsector: Input/output error"
This is a physical read error. Could be an unusual partitioning. Please post the output of "fdisk -l /dev/sdb".
"I ran chkdsk /f in Windows and rebooted twice: still no result."
How did you make sure you designated the same partition ?
"It is probably the "fast shutdown" feature of windows 8."
Most unlikely. Mounting did not get far enough.

Please try to get the file system parameters, and post what you get.
sudo ntfsinfo -fm /dev/sdb4

If the above fails, please dump the boot sector data :
sudo dd if=/dev/sdb4 of=bootsector count=1
and post the contents of the file bootsector