Comment 0 for bug 1580252

Revision history for this message
Thomas Ward (teward) wrote : Please merge nginx 1.10.0-1 (main) from Debian Unstable (main)

NGINX 1.10.0 in Debian has multiple packaging changes, including introduction of dh_nginx for the nginx-specific builds (not yet in its own packaging) and Dynamic Module introduction.

The dynamic modules in NGINX are not complete, therefore some are dynamic and some are not. This introduces a sort of 'hybrid' between static-compiled modules and dynamic-compiled-and-included modules; this 'hybrid' requires the various NGINX flavors to still be compiled with most of the static compiled modules compiled in, but introduces some support for some of the more dynamically-included modules as well.

Some third-party modules are converted to Dynamic, but not all; Lua module is one such module.


This is a messy merge - neither Merge-O-Matic, nor rbasak's git merge workflow have produced usable builds, so it may be a case of 'starting over' with a Debian package, and applying the nginx delta we have now manually. Once that is completed, future merges should not be anywhere near as painful or messy.


This will eventually be tested after everything related to this is figured out.