Comment 7 for bug 528887

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Tom Verdaat (tom-verdaat) wrote :

I think I have the same problem in Lucid Beta1:

Sometimes windows open maximized and on top, but do not seem to have focus. This means the "title bar" part in the UNE top bar does not display the name of the newly raised window, but of the one previously having focus. If you click the close button (e.g. the X on the right), the wrong windown gets closed (the one below having focus, not the one on top that you're looking at). Clicking no the application window after it was raised then does give it focus after all, and consequently behaves as expected.

I had this issue a couple of days ago when double-clicking on images in Nautilus. It raises a maximized Eye Of Gnome window but the title bar keeps saying Nautilus. If I push the close button I close the Nautilus window, not EOG. Unfortunately I seem to be unable to reproduce this issue right now.

Another one I do still have and am able to reproduce consistently right now is with "Getting Things Gnome". I have enabled its tray icon. If the application is minimized to tray, I click on the tray icon and click on "Display main window" (roughly translated from Dutch) it opens a new GTG window, maximized, on top, but not focussed. The title bar still refers to the window that had focus before opening the GTG window.

This issue is quite confusing, especially for novice users. Before you know it they start complaining about "disappearing windows" and turn their back on Ubuntu. Also, let me know if this is not the same bug as reported earliers so I can repost this as a seperate bug.