Comment 20 for bug 366835

Revision history for this message
dslbrian (dslbrian) wrote :

I can second this bug. Running a new install of Ubuntu 9.04, AMD 64bit, Gnome desktop. Installed nedit from the standard repo and couldn't get copy/paste to work. Error was: Attempt to copy to unlocked clipboard.

Downloading the binaries from didn't work for me (due to 64bit?). Solution that worked for me, was to download source, and compile and install.

On the Ubuntu side it required installing openmotif and some dev packages: libmotif3, libmotif-dev, libx-dev, libxt-dev, and perhaps a few more X11 dev packages (forgot the complete list). For the nedit source I had to add in -lXmu to the link line in the makefile.linux file.

After that compile worked fine. Tested copy and paste and they worked fine. Here is the new info from the Help->Version:

NEdit 5.5
Sep 30, 2004

     Built on: Linux, x86-64, GNU C
     Built at: May 12 2009, 01:31:14
   With Motif: 2.2.3 [@(#)Motif Version 2.2.3]
Running Motif: 2.2 [unknown]
       Server: The X.Org Foundation 10600000
       Visual: 32-bit TrueColor (ID 0x23)
       Locale: en_US.utf8