Comment 18 for bug 508632

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Martin Wildam (mwildam) wrote :

When I first read that the button is gone, I thought "what the hack, why do they remove it!".

But after thinking about it: When I switch to that mode the very most likely thing is that I then need to touch the keyboard anyway - why else switch to the path edit mode? So when I am already know that I am going to touch the keyboard I also could already hit the hotkey to enter that mode.

Originally it was mentioned that only the left ctrl-L works. Is this maybe because Lucid running in a Virtualbox to test it out? - Virtualbox is grabbing the right ctrl key as control key itself so this might be the reason (if virtualbox used by the OP - Ying Hu).

However, there is at least one use case where I would not use the keybord - and that happens quite often in reality: Mark a folder in an email, web site or other terminal window - right mouse button - copy - switch to Nautilus - now missing button - right mouse button - paste.

But: Even if I could do this with the mouse only until that point, the last thing is I need to go to the keyboard either and hit return because there is no GO button (as in the browser). So when the button comes back there should also come a go button (only in the text edit mode that GO button is needed).

So anyway - although I didn't know about the ctrl-l and I would use that also in some cases I also want the button back - definitely.

In general: I think it is dangerous trying to serve the DAU too much by reducing everything to the minimum - you may be end up serving only those DAUs and then the system is pretty useless. And: I don't think, people are really that stupid - there are a few things many people do easy mix up or just in the hurry forget (search and location bar in the browser for instance - even I face myself sometimes having put the focus on the wrong one by accident). While some things could be improved by leaving them away (and put the functionality somewhere else!) others are there for good reason.