Comment 0 for bug 230694

Revision history for this message
Patrice Vetsel (vetsel-patrice) wrote :

Take a fresh Hardy system
2 users, user A created during installation and user B added by A with defaults options.

1/ Start system
2/ login with B
3/ switch to A with the user applet
4/ under A, open tray and put a dvd

-> BUG
error message + totem launched but black screen + you can hear the dvd sound ...

5/ switch to B with applet

-> totem is already reading DVD

6/ close totem
7/ logout
8/ go to A session (already opened)
9/ try to eject DVD

-> BUG -> you can not eject because DVD was mounted by B (But B is logout :/ )

The mecanism to mount a DVD (may be the same problem with usb stick/external HD ...) should use the active user/session and not the first loged user in the system.