Comment 6 for bug 436792

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ullix (ullix) wrote :

Marc, thanks for the link to the options for alternative builds; I'll give it a try. For now , however, the issue is not about the (non-)compatibility of a .21 server and a .22 client, but the fact that frontend is killing the sound! Here the test again and the mythfrontend.log attached:

1) no computer on my network except the marmic netbook with the mythtv-frontend on it. I.e. there is no backend server for the frontend to find, therefore mythtv version of a non running server is irrelevant
2) a have a cacophonie of a simultaneous youtube video and a rhythmbox radio running
3) I start mythtv-frontend --> the sound goes off, complete silence, no crackling, nothing
4) mythtv displays language choice; 3x ESC to exit mythtv-frontend. verifiied by ps -A that it is not running any more
5) sound remains off. restarting rhythmbox does not bring the sound back; in fact it tells me that it is running, but nothing audible. likewise, no sound in skype
6) sound is back after rebooting

doesn't look like the log file has any useful iinformation. mythwelcome.log file is also created, but is empty