Comment 8 for bug 397505

Revision history for this message
Ben Okopnik (ben-okopnik) wrote :


The actual fix requires changing the regex that parses the output of 'unzip -qq -v' (which has changed), as well as the code that uses the results of that regex. Here's the diff:

< # 2891 Defl:N 1435 50% 03-30-00 21:19 50cbaaf8 ./edit.html
< # (size) (method) (zippedsize) (zipratio) (mm)(dd)(yy)(HH)(MM) (cksum) (fname)
< my $regex_nonzipinfo_line = qr"^\s*(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(-?\d+\%)\s+(\d?\d)-(\d?\d)-(\d\d)\s+(\d?\d):(\d\d)\s+([0-9a-f]+)\s\s(.*)$";
> # 2891 Defl:N 1435 50% 2000-03-30 21:19 50cbaaf8 ./edit.html
> # (size) (method) (zippedsize) (zipratio) (yyyy)(mm)(dd)(HH)(MM) (cksum) (fname)
> my $regex_nonzipinfo_line = qr"^\s*(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(-?\d+\%)\s+(\d{4})-(\d?\d)-(\d\d)\s+(\d?\d):(\d\d)\s+([0-9a-f]+)\s\s(.*)$";
< $match[6] + ($match[6] < 70 ? 2000 : 1900), $match[4], $match[5],
> $match[4], $match[5], $match[6],

Please let me know if this needs to be submitted in some other way.