Comment 28 for bug 1710993

Revision history for this message
Robie Basak (racb) wrote :

Sorry, I saw your response scroll by on IRC but wasn't in a position to act on it at the time. Responding in the bug would have been useful!

For reference:

12:01 <rbasak> tsimonq2: around? I commented on the bug.
12:02 <rbasak> tsimonq2: since it's possible you might want to put the Breaks in indicator-sound-gtk2, I don't want to accept it as-is without your comment.
12:02 <rbasak> tsimonq2: if you do, then it'll want adding to lubuntu-default-settings too I guess?
12:05 <rbasak> tsimonq2: aside from that your upload for indicator-sound-gtk2 looks fine. Though I feel that the changelog message should probably mention the reason for the upload (Lubuntu's move to pulseaudio), I won't block on that.
12:06 <rbasak> tsimonq2: let me know what you want to do please.
15:50 <tsimonq2> rbasak: Breaks might be a good idea... but if any one lands before the other, as long as they all land within an hour or two it'll be fine
15:50 <tsimonq2> (well, within a few hours of each other)
15:52 <tsimonq2> rbasak: If you'd prefer Breaks I can upload some new packages in 6 or 7 hours
15:52 <tsimonq2> But yeah, good point.
15:56 <rbasak> tsimonq2: it can break if you have a user with the security pocket enabled but not updates for example.
16:00 <rbasak> tsimonq2: anyway, that's the potential consequence. I don't have a strong opinion here especially as the potential breakage isn't severe and is recoverable.
16:01 <rbasak> tsimonq2: if you want me to accept the current indicator-sound-gtk2 in the queue, I'd be happy to - just give me a +1 after you've considered the above please.
16:01 <rbasak> Since I think this should be your decision.
16:21 <tsimonq2> rbasak: Since I've been the one doing Lubuntu security updates for Universe packages, I'm willing to deal with the consequences if needed. +1, please accept.