Comment 0 for bug 1536353

Revision history for this message
Nicolas DERIVE (kalon33) wrote : [regression] Printer drivers install is broken as lsb package is not available anymore

Starting with Xenial, lsb compatibility packages were dropped recently (besides lsb-release and lsb-base):

lsb (9.20150826) unstable; urgency=low

  * Drop all the LSB compatibility packages besides lsb-release and lsb-base
    - Drop packages-availability checking in lsb-release
    - Truncate README.Debian to a minimum
    - Document this in lsb-base.NEWS.Debian
  * Change the versioning number to avoid any ambiguity; use joeyh's, with version being Debian next stable's

 -- Didier Raboud <email address hidden> Wed, 26 Aug 2015 12:00:00 +0200

The problem is that downloadable printer drivers (like the ones from Openprinting, but also from other available providers) that are suggested when installing a printer on Ubuntu depends on lsb, which is not available anymore:

 Dépend: lsb (>=3.2) but it is not installable

This triggers a regression where it is not possible to setup a printer this way (downloading a driver where no local driver is available) anymore.

I see two possible solutions:

- Add a proper replaces field to one of the remaining lsb-* packages, to hopefully fix missing lsb package (maybe it would be useful to also replace other compability packages that are not built anymore).

- Re-introduce LSB compatibility packages, but that might be an overkill.