Comment 24 for bug 99356

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Charles Perreault (muganor) wrote : Re: [Bug 99356] Re: [Feisty] Keyboard repeats keystrokes like tttthiiiiiiiiiiiissss

Ok, then as I don't see this bug anymore, I won't be of much help
because I can't test solutions anymore. A newer kernel seemed to have
fixed it. But I can still suggest a few things.

Rick (ozstriker78) and others, you could try disabling the ACPI
monitoring like archie suggested in two steps :

1- Edit /etc/default/acpid and change monitoring modules to none :
instead of

Reboot and watch.

2- If the bug persists, try uninstallinig acpid (take note of other
metapackages that might be uninstalled in case you with to reinstall
them later). Reboot again and watch.

3- If the bug persists, then it's not acpid's fault : reinstall the
removed packages and change back monitoring to "all" as ACPI is very
useful in PC nowadays, especially laptops.

Please post your results, both positive and negative, here.

- Charles