Comment 48 for bug 908335

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Brendan Brigham (brigham) wrote :

@ Danny Goodall ...I am having hard freezes that have nothing to do with any graphics. When I was rebuilding my conky files with gedit that wouldn't cooperate with 12.04 I was having a freeze every 5-8 minutes for 2 hours. Once it freezes I am not able to have any interaction with the desktop and have to use the power button or reset button. I don't think I gave my system specs here so I will to hopefully clear up some needed questons...

Intel® Core™ i3 CPU 540 @ 3.07GHz × 4
3.8 GiB DDR3
3.2.0-24-generic-pae 32bit
MSI H55M-E33 motherboard
Asus ENGT 240 using Ubuntu supplied drivers as the Nividia drivers don't work with xscreens for some reason.

Could be an issue with compize or Unity as many of us have been testing in 2d without a single problem, when logged in 3d is where the freezes are. I am on day 4 in 2d now without any problems.
Let me know if there's any other information you would like :)