Comment 28 for bug 721576

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Igor Mitrenko (igor-mitrenko) wrote :

Don't entertain the vain hope, reboot=a,w fixes only restart. Moreover, it affects only restart. There is a lot information in the net, what a and w arguments really do.
We, "lucky" owners of lenovo s205 crap are in the quite a deep trouble. I even updated "bios" firmware in hope that fix of the XP suspend awake issue will also affect our problem (I thought that abovementioned issues related to single firmware bug, but I was wrong), but my new lenovo is still a pile of useless iron.

The only temporary workaround I see is to force the kernel to forget damned UEFI. In fact, (K)Ubuntu 10.04 LiveUSB works fine with reboot/halt and even suspend, but it couldn't boot installed system. So I'm gonna try to install normal, UEFI-less grub on /dev/sda, then boot linux by chainload from UEFI-ed grub. I know, it looks crazy, but it seems that s205's bios unable to work with MBR loaders =(

I really hope that they will fix this issue in the nearest future. Otherwise it's better to return laptop to the store.