Comment 59 for bug 401126

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nopil3os (nopil3os) wrote :

Great! With this driver I finally got the wi-fi on my new msi windbox dc200 (jaunty 32bit) to work. But it has apparently an awkward bug: The bitrate was at 24M, so I tried to set it to 54 with iwconfig and afterwards it was at 1M. I then made 'watch -n1 "iwconfig wlan0 | grep Bit" and saw the rate changing nearly every second. The driver seems to change the rate dynamically according to signal strength. I then moved the windbox in my room until I got it to constant 54M. BUT this was wrong. At this point the connection speed was nearly like dial-up. When I place the box so that it shows me 1M, I have full speed oO