Comment 0 for bug 1815122

Revision history for this message
ivarconr (ivarconr) wrote :

I am using Ubuntu 16.04.

After upgrading the kernel from 4.4.0-141.167-generic to 4.4.0-142.168-generic I am experiencing problem logging in via the tty. I am able to provide my username, but the terminal automatically submit password before I am able to type it. If I start the computer with the previous kernel (4.4.0-141.167) it works as expected.

I have done strace on the tty in both scenarios while performing the login with the following command:

"sudo strace -p 1572 -s 1024 -vff -o tty-login-issue/login"

4.4.0-141.167-generic (works):

4.4.0-142.168-generic (fails):

Let me know if you need me to provide any additional details.