Comment 49 for bug 179698

Revision history for this message
Leann Ogasawara (leannogasawara) wrote :

Hi IngOR,

You may want to try installing the linux-backports-modules-intrepid package that is currently in intrepid-proposed as it contains an even newer compat-wireless stack. See - "Updated to wireless-testing master-2008-11-17" . To enable intrepid-proposed do the following:

1) cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d
2) create a file "intrepid-proposed.list" which contains the following two lines (sudo vim intrepid-proposed.list):

deb intrepid-proposed main
deb-src intrepid-proposed main

3) sudo apt-get update
4) sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-intrepid
5) sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/intrepid-proposed.list
6) sudo apt-get update

Steps 5 and 6 basically undo the enabling of intrepid-proposed. Of course you'll finally need to reboot to test.

Additionally since you also have an upstream bug report open, I'd also suggest testing the latest compat-wireless stack - - and let upstream know your results. Thanks.