Comment 435 for bug 1776563

Revision history for this message
Michael J (drvrmike1) wrote :

Richard, I understand your point. Yes, time to time there are computers that have specific errors/messages thrown in dmesg [non fatal mostly], but usually can be fixed and solved rather easily (I always look at syslog, etc. on every new install to check/solve specifically for them). I've never, in my experience, have had issues where the system would immediately softlock in this way. Heck, I've even had Linux (and reactOS) running on an old gateway 800MHZ Celeron 192MB RAM run better than this thing! And it didn't softlock out of the box. My issues of contention is that the same MB/CPU combo runs perfectly fine now in both HP and Lenovo's versions of this laptop. It's really just lazy programming on Acer's part; to be honest, there were issues even with win10 on earlier BIOS revisions too. I moonlight as a programmer time to time [bad one at that], however, I dedicate a lot of time to debug my work so it works as expected. These issues, from multiple people, are telling Acer what the problems are and how to resolve them and we are still receiving buggy revisions.Thank you for all your work with this and trying to help us all out. I am willing to get a 8pin clip and deal with the BIOS myself at this point, but I'm not that great at decoding it. Let me know if interested.