Comment 28 for bug 1776563

Revision history for this message
Richard Baka (bakarichard91) wrote : Re: Acer Aspire A315 ACPI failure on Ubuntu 18.04, kernel hangs, can't load, kernel freeze (AMD Ryzen 5/Radeon/Raven)

The solution for Acer A315-41G-* notebooks: (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK - PLS be very careful)

1. Load kernel with these parameters: ivrs_ioapic[4]=00:14.0 ivrs_ioapic[5]=00:00.2 nomodeset
This is how it can be done (1. answer/first half 1-4):

1/b.(if it is not installed) Install ubuntu and load installed kernel again using the parameters (see 1.)

2. Start a terminal and do these steps:
> cd ~
> mkdir kernelbuild
> cd kernelbuild
> wget -c
> tar -xvf linux-4.17.6.tar.xz
> cd linux-4.17.6
> sudo apt install git build-essential kernel-package fakeroot libncurses5-dev libssl-dev ccache bison flex
> make menuconfig
+> Save,OK,EXIT
> nano .config
+> ctrl+w and search for CONFIG_VGA_SWITCHEROO=y
+> replace y with n (this is not ideal and should be fixed later)
+> ctrl+o, enter
> make -j4 (this will take a while, be patient)
> make modules_install
> sudo make install
> sudo nano /etc/default/grub
+> Edit the correct line and add the parameters: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash ivrs_ioapic[4]=00:14.0 ivrs_ioapic[5]=00:00.2"
+>CTRL+O, enter
>sudo update-grub
+> reboot and start the correct kernel

If you install xsensors (sudo apt install xsensors) and start it (xsensors) you can monitor the temperature values of your notebook. (Recommended)