Comment 207 for bug 1283938

Revision history for this message
ggallozz (ggallozz-gmail) wrote :

hey there all, folks,
I do regret that 2 years after the release this bug is still alive and kicking ... 3:)
Me too have browsed around for a while, and now I can affirm that the proble affect many many users, on different PC an video cards and drivers.
So, Xubuntu staff, I itìs time to deeple stare at suspend involved procedures.
I can say that on my PC is installed Xubuntu 14.04.4 and on another partition Ubuntu Mint 14.04.3. On this last system, resume works ALWAYS fine ....

Ususal user's tech specs, here:

kernel name is: Linux
kernel-release is: 3.16.0-77-generic
kernel version is: #99~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 28 19:18:41 UTC 2016
machine hardware is: i686
processor type is: i686
h/w platform is: i686
operating system is: GNU/Linux
desktop env. is: xubuntu - XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=XFCE
*** OS specs ***
Distributor ID: trusty
Description: Ubuntu
Release: Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS
Codename: 14.04
Video driver for ATI Radeon 5450