Comment 4 for bug 1264057

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aljosa (aljosa-p) wrote :

Hi Christopher,
thanks for replying. First few words about your considerations: There are people who belongs to the computer world, no problem for asking them anything you want and need. Unfortunately, this is not my case. I reported this bugs on 25 December. Now, please try to think one moment about following: It tooks me a whole month just to discover how to enter in contact with you - 25 November, Forum Asus Ubuntu Support: "I would be very grateful if someone can communicate the problem to the development team 'cause I get lost inside more than complicated bug reporting procedure".

Please understand that it is impossible to me not to file one bug for many things because I don't understand terms and expressions you guys use.
Currently I am not any more on official but on 3.13-rc6-trusty kernel,
with wich my machine functions much better. Everything ok with CPU (now 2400mhz) and intel-microcode application. By giving in BIOS 256mb to Intel graphic card and modifying Grub into
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="nouveau.blacklist=1 quiet splash enable_mtrr_cleanup mtrr_spare_reg_nr=1 mtrr_gran_size=64K mtrr_chunk_size=256M"
I solved mtrr errors too.

As I can see simply Googling, many people have trouble with Linux on their new computers. It is my intention to install Xubuntu 14.04 first day of its releasing. As I have already tried testing version, and as I still have same errors, the very first thing that comes to my mind is TeamViewer or something similar - so if you are interested, in my opinion this would be the best way to fix all malfunctions, including those not noticed by me. By the way, I'm not sure but it seems that most issues are related to incorrect DSDT. If it can be of any help, I can provide you with DSDT extracted from Xubuntu, from Windows 8.1 and the repaired one. Ciao :)