Comment 8 for bug 106427

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Sebastian "Nait" Kacprzak (naicik) wrote :

I have similar issue on Ubuntu 8.04 2.6.24-19-generic #1 SMP Wed Jun 18 14:15:37 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux

restarting X, or falling to console don't help(alt+ctrl+f1 did work after about a minute).

It's not only laptop problem.
My motherboard is Abit IP-35e, and keyboard is PS/2 Logitech "Internet Pro Keyboard"
It first appeared about 3weeks ago, I didn't have this issue earlier, and I use it with Ubuntu since Ubuntu 6.10, and even earlier I didn't have this problem with Mandriva 2006.
Lag occurs about two times a week, but I don't have idea how to trace it...using console with on screen keyboard is quite hard for me. Could you tell me how can I trace it?(because as far as I know it's almost impossible for programmers to fix a old bug which isn't reproducible, without any extra info)