Comment 13 for bug 151146

Revision history for this message
TJ (tj) wrote :

I've just updated an x86 system from Hardy to Intrepid and experienced the same issue.

In this case the system has encrypted RAID-5 LVM volumes for /, /var/ and /home/, all opened via a LUKS cryptographic key-file on a USB flash memory device.

The GRUB menu has been incorrectly updated and has no "initrd" entry for the Intrepid kernel (this might be reported as a new bug, depending on my findings). Booting the new Intrepid kernel gets stuck with this bug's error.

Trying to boot the previous Hardy kernel results in GRUB reporting "Error 15: File not found", even though it has an "initrd" entry that looks (from memory) to be correct.

I have to dig some more after booting from a LiveCD to discover the cause.