Comment 87 for bug 19749

Revision history for this message
Julian (perlsite) wrote :

Ok, here is my workaround:

1. Download Alternative CD or complete DVD image
2. Chose text install -> press F6 and add (space separated) new option:


3. Install (K)ubuntu as usual (in text mode).

Note: above command will add ata_piix module in (/target)/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.local which means that after installation ata_piix will continue to be NOT loaded (blacklisted).

4. After installation, be good and add ata_piix at the end of /etc/modules on a single line, so this module will be loaded after the normal boot.

5. Fix /etc/fstab to use /dev/scd0 instead of /dev/hda
  Normally ata_piix (on my machine) handle CD/DVD drive as /dev/scd0, but while installation and because ata_piix was blacklisted CDROM drive was auto detected as /dev/hda, so in order /media/cdrom to become available just fix fstab as I've noted.
