Comment 31 for bug 290498

Revision history for this message
Realtime Dutchman (nico-conny) wrote :

Hi Vivichrist,

I´m back online with my single core p4 sytem running using the RT patched Ubuntu Studio generic kernel (build from linux-source-2.6.29_2.6.29-02062904_all.deb) like vivichrist did.

The system is running smoothly and I don´t notice any problems and had a short test with jack and ardour which turned out to be fine. See jack settings as I reported earlier.

My new kernel is called:

I did change the .config a little bit though because I switched off kernel debugging in the kernel hacking menu and made the RT settings.

I will write a tutorial based on the one I have for the based kernel .

So at leased we have two options now; using the based RT kernel or the fully Ubuntu Studio based RT kernel.

If anyone is interested please send me an e-mail ( realtime.dutchman<at> ) and tell me which version you would like to try (at your own risk) and I will provide you with the data your require.

 --> header deb + image deb for quick install
--> tutorial how to build your own kernel + kernel config file
--> how-to-tar instruction

Thanks to vivichrist for his/her help.
