Comment 21 for bug 856810

Revision history for this message
Saulo Soares de Toledo (saulotoledo) wrote :

My last information about this bug:

- This not only about lightdm, I'm running beta2 and never installed lightdm, and have the bug

- Something not really installed causes the bug: always at restart we can see the message "The system need be restarted". Something isn't correctly configured yet, and will never be...

- Sounds, for me, the problem is caused about a broken link into /etc/network/run to /run/network (see the bug in last comment). The folder /run/network and his content is removed at boot for some unknown application.

- Trying discover what service was removing the folder, I created a script who executes stop and start for each "initctl list" service list and executed it. The system was automatically restart in some service in that list and all was magically solved o.O'
This make me think it's about some procedure who don't runs at system restart correctily, maybe about a dbus problem (I'm was with a dbus problem who magically disapeared too: "unable to connect to system bus: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: Connection refused") or something more out of my knowledge.

- My problem is out, then I think I cannot bring here good informations. But something need debug here.

If there are something more I can put here to help, please let me know.