Comment 15 for bug 794729

Revision history for this message
Michael J Gray (ubmike) wrote :

I have attached 3 simple A5 documents one in portrait format, one in landscape and the screen prints from the print dialogue I see when I start a print.
As can be seen the landscape a5 is not correctly processed
Custom size "paper" slightly smaller than a5 (width 20cm height 12 cm) is correctly processed
The dialogues correctly reflect what happens on paper here.

The problem also occurs in LMDE updated to yesterday and using LibreOffice 3.3.3

The problem does not occur in LibreOffice 3.3.2 run on Windows XP in VirtualBox

Only if you get different results at this stage is it worth looking into CUPS. As I said Abiword (which I presume also uses CUPS) works correctly.