Comment 61 for bug 1246583

Revision history for this message
Eli Mitrani (eli-mit-g) wrote :

Using 13.10, Libreoffice 4.2, Gnome desktop

I found a workaround - after re configuring my keyboard settings using 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration' the Alt+Shift key combination for changing language works again.

This caused the following affects:
Press Super+Space: language changes, gnome language change displays on center screen, top bar display changes, hotkeys in when in Hebrew layout don't work.
Press Alt+Shift: language changes, top bar display changes, hotkeys in when in Hebrew **do** work.

*But* - when using Thunderbird I have this behavior:
Press Super+Space: language changes, gnome language change displays on center screen, top bar display changes, hotkeys work fine on both layouts.
Press Alt+Shift: top bar display changes language, hotkeys work fine, but language does not change back to Hebrew (keeps typing in English even when top bar displays Hebrew).

So the workaround is as follows:
In LibreOffice - use Alt+Shift
In Thunuderbird - use Super+Space.