Comment 0 for bug 959360

Revision history for this message
Andreas Hasenack (ahasenack) wrote :

We want to release landscape-client 12.04 into precise. The main reasons are:
 * it now uses apt/dpkg to install packages instead of smartpm
 * it has a GTK UI interface to configure the client (package landscape-client-ui, located in the gnome control center)
 * the landscape-client package is installed on demand if needed when the user clicks on the gnome control center icon (package landscape-client-ui-install)
 * Add support for the new attachment service in script execution, which lightens the load on quite a bit

Attached to this bug is a bzr branch against ubuntu:landscape-client, which is the package currently in precise. The diff is big, but if you remove the tests (--exclude tests) it's a lot smaller.

This client was tested as if we were doing an SRU. And we will, once this gets into precise.

These were the tests done:

ClientSRU tests status:
- Install with landscape/apt-get (pass)
- Purge test (pass)
- Reinstall client (pass)
- sysinfo integration (pass)
- Distro upgrade
 - Via landscape (pass)
 - Via do-release-upgrade - Package removed due to disabling external repos, but working after reinstall (pass)
- Talking to old landscape server - tested against hosted (pass)
- install the new landscape-client package in a running LDS server (pass)