Comment 0 for bug 114503

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Eero Tamminen (oak-helsinkinet) wrote : [feisty] language-support-* packages install firefox/thunderbird on kubuntu

- Kubuntu: Feisty Fawn, 7.04

- Install Kubuntu from live-CD with default options
- Once overything is installed, use add/remove packages and install language-support, e.g. for "fi"

Expected outcome:
- Packages related to support of that language are installed

Actual outcome:
- Also Firefox and Thunderbird are installed, which are not part of Kubuntu, nor something I need (because they are very large)

Could the language selection be a bit less dumb and actually check what things are needed?
Or maybe the support could be a bit more finegrained so that large language packs like Firefox & Thunderbird etc can be selected separately when installing languages?
(Maybe similarly how Windows installers by default have all components selected but user can leave out some of them)

(This is somewhat related edgy bug 64200)