Comment 0 for bug 400851

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Victor Marin (vms368) wrote : KdeSudo not longer accepts the password

The KdeSudo window asking for the admin password which appears when I try to change
/ add software sources in KpackageKit gives me an "Invalid password" reply.

However, KpackageKit accepts the password for installing / uninstalling programs
just fine, as always.

I then have installed Adept 3.0. But this another package manager does even not
start as KdeSudo asks for the admin password before opening Adept... And it
happens the same thing. Everytime the answer it's "invalid password".

It didn't happen some time ago. So, perhaps this has to do with the fact that
when I start kate with sudo for viewing or editing system text files, one window
with the following message appears: "Could not start ksmserver. Check your

Then, when clicking on the "okay" of such window, Kubuntu brings me to the
initial login screen. (Bug: or ).

If I do not click in the okay of such small, white xmessage window, then I can
continue normally running the OS, except that I can't get KdeSudo to accept
passwords anymore.

But, now, restarting Kubuntu does not solve this problem concerning kdesudo not
accepting the password.

So, I think I not longer can use programs which require KdeSudo to put the password.

Software: Kubuntu 9.04 (i386), KDE 4.2.4.