Comment 1 for bug 51024

Revision history for this message
ThomasN (tnetter) wrote :

I confirm that Fabien's fix solves the problem.
If, after upgrading from Kubuntu breezy to dapper, you notice that:
- Noatun no longer plays ogg, mp3, mp4, videos
- Konqueror doesn't generate video thumbnails or stops generating image thumbnails when a directory contains videos
- Digikam misses videos
- kio_thumbnails keeps running in the background but nothing happens (use "top" to monitor that)

Add multiverse to /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb dapper universe multiverse

apt-get update
apt-get install libxine-extracodecs

I have tested this on 2 Kubuntu laptops.
Many thanks to Fabien for pointing out the bug and providing a work-around.