Comment 5 for bug 178360

Revision history for this message
Andreas Wenning (andreas-wenning) wrote :

Still no -dpgsym packages. Should a bug be filed about that against the two packages?

andreas@andreas-laptop:~$ tail -n4 /etc/apt/sources.list
deb hardy main universe
deb hardy-updates main universe
deb hardy-proposed main universe
deb hardy-security main universe
andreas@andreas-laptop:~$ sudo aptitude search gwenview | cut -f1
i gwenview - image viewer for KDE
p gwenview-i18n - Internationalization (i18n) for Gwenview,
p gwenview-kde4 - image viewer for KDE4
andreas@andreas-laptop:~$ sudo aptitude search kipi-plugins | cut -f1
i kipi-plugins - image manipulation/handling plugins for KI
p kipi-plugins-doc - kipi-plugins documentation