Comment 0 for bug 41662

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Stephan Gromer (stephan-gromer) wrote : (PDF-) Output within Konqueror leds to "dancing" characters

System used: Dapper Drake as of april 26th
I use Konqueror for browsing and I often need to print pages as PDF-files for documentation.
However, the output created by kdeprint is poor: Characters are "dancing" significantly and some graphics are destroyed. This is also the case when I print directly to my printer. When I print a PS-file and convert it via ps2pdf the graphics are better retained but the characters are still wired.
Interestingly, when I print a webpage within Firefox as a PS (no PDF available) (but also with direct print) and convert this file to a PDF (ps2pdf) I do NOT see this.
I tried this also with SuSE 10.0 and several Debian installs - It's the same everywhere, so presumably an upstream problem
I try to attached a PNG-file that shows the different results with a print from the Ubuntu-Page. You see the program used in the tite. The file created within Konqueror with a direct PDF-creation is also attached.

Thank you for listening and caring!