Comment 13 for bug 515138

Revision history for this message
Salva Ferrer (salva-ferrer) wrote :


Jonathan, I tested the bzr branch today. Downloaded the branch, checked that apportevent had commit 227 in apportevent.cpp and build the package with dpkg-buildpackage, installed the resulting kubuntu-notification-helper_11.04ubuntu3_i386.deb. Exited kde, cleaned the zombies I had around and logged in kde.

As it started I had 1 zombie. I closed the lid and opened again and zobies increased. I stopped k-n-h, closed the lid and opened again and zombies remained stable. Started again k-n-h and zombies grew after closing and opening the lid.

I realized that line 65 in distupgradeevent.cpp is similar to the one in apportevet.cpp that you modified in commit 227, maybe that one requires modification as well.

In my case at least the current bzr branch still shows the issue.