Comment 15 for bug 72609

Revision history for this message
hbbk (hbbk) wrote :


Just have to say mee too :)

But more informations here :

K3B open the tray then fail to close it automaticaly, if I close it by hand the DVD icon appear on the desktop and I can open it but K3B seems to be still waiting for the DVD to be loaded. It do not freeze nor get too many cpu, I still can cancel the verification but this is very annoying if I have to burn many copies... Cancelling verification make the tray open (and error message: verification failed of course)

Kubuntu 8.04
K3B 1.0.4

                description: DVD writer
                product: DVD_RW ND-3540A
                vendor: _NEC
                version: 1.01
                serial: [_NEC DVD_RW ND-3540A 1.0105031600
                capabilities: removable audio cd-r cd-rw dvd dvd-r
                configuration: ansiversion=5 status=ready